How's your week been? I hope there's been time to put yourself first sometimes so that you have the energy to show up for the people you want to be there for.
Here are a few links from around the web...

What happens if your partner wants children, but you don't? Katie Bishop @Refinery29
Disability, sex and relationships roundtable, Hannah Witton
1 in 189: my experience of autism as a woman, Chloe L, The Insecure Girl's Club
Laura Bates' feminist forecast, Glamour
When a soccer player's hijab started to fall off, her team mates gathered round to give her privacy @jordanfa
5 women who left the city for the middle of the countryside, Katie Bishop @Refinery29
Exercise, Ableism and Accepting Your Limitations, Genevieve Richardson, The Insecure Girl's Club
Instagram didn't want my 'undesirable' selfies, so I fought back. Lex Gillies, @Refinery29
The break-ups that break, then make you, Rebecca Johnston, The Insecure Girl's Club
Jealousy, control & isolation, the warning signs of domestic violence. Erika W Smith @Refinery29
Take care of yourself.