How's your week been? I've been looking into expanding my private practice in Borough and adding a weekday evening. I'm feeling excited about seeing some spaces this week. Therapy rooms can have such a welcoming feel to them and I'm looking forward to sharing some images of the space soon!

Image @PeterSlovacek, from Unsplash
Here are some links from around the web... they are meant to be thought provoking and won't always apply exactly to your life, but it can be helpful to think about what resonates and maybe journal, draw or find another creative way to express what they bring up for you.
The power of saying no, refinery 29
Dating when you've had a bad childhood, The School of Life
Strategies to enhance happiness, Refinery 29
What women with autism want you to know, Iris
What do you think your dreams mean? Thought provoking ideas from @Refinery 29
Self hatred and anxiety, The School of Life
Why you don't need to be exceptional, the School of Life
A poetry reading by Ralph Fiennes, School of Life
Permission to not be productive, Thirsty for Art
Take care of yourself.